One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

About the BA in Sport Business 管理 Degree

Why Study Sport Business 管理 at Cedarville?

准备在充满活力的体育产业出类拔萃与沙巴体育的基督教体育商业管理学位, offered by the 罗伯特W. Plaster School of Business. 通过圣经世界观获得全面的技能和知识,以满足这一领域的需求, you'll be prepared to thrive in various career paths. When you graduate, beyond being ready for a job, you'll also be ready to make a Gospel impact wherever God leads you.

体育商业管理专业建立在与体育产业直接相关的基本商业原则的基础上. 您的课程,通过认证委员会认证的商学院和项目 并遵守体育管理认证委员会的指导方针, 将彻底装备你在体育商业管理的成功职业生涯.

If you're interested in this field as a secondary focus, consider Cedarville's sport business management minor. This program complements any major, 让您在体育商业管理方面打下坚实的基础,为您的体育事业做好准备.

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What Sets Cedarville Apart?

Program Overview

Program Highlights

Christian Worldview -我们的体育特定课程利用行业中的当前主题来创建具有基督教世界观的实际沙巴体育的项目和场景. Specifically, the program focuses on biblical leadership 像仆人式领导和体育行业的卓越原则.

Joint Business Focus -沙巴体育的体育商业管理课程因其是石膏商学院的一部分而与众不同. 体育管理的这种不寻常的特点使我们的学生 让学生沉浸在商业原则中,并与其他学生一起学习传统的商业职能. This replicates many real-world scenarios in the sport industry.

Practical Experiences -我们的项目需要8-15个学分的实践经验和实习. 这要求学生离开教室,开始利用他们的技能,建立重要的人际关系 opportunities. 这个不断增长的学生网络也成为未来参加这个项目的学生的宝贵资源.

Placement Success

We’re proud of our successful graduates! 100% of recent graduates from the 罗伯特W. 毕业后六个月内被石膏商学院聘用或进入研究生院. Check out Cedarville's other placement rates.


What can you do with a sports management degree? 你在Cedarville的体育商业管理学士学位将为你的各种职业做好准备. 毕业生可能会从事销售、市场营销、沟通、促销、 管理,私人和公共娱乐,活动和设施管理,或其他领域. Our students typically pursue 工作 in collegiate, professional, or participatory sports in the following areas:

  • Event management
  • 销售
  • Facility management
  • Governing bodies
  • 市场营销 and promotions
  • 娱乐
  • Sport-based ministries
  • Sport commissions

研究生和专业项目以及雇主每年都欢迎沙巴体育的毕业生. 重要的是要注意,一些专业的职业领域可能需要额外的教育, 经验, 和/或在完成雪松维尔大学本科学位之后获得的许可证.

Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom

实习 -实习为学生提供体育商业管理方面的实际经验. 我们的学生被安排在以下组织实习:

  • Dayton Dragons
  • Cleveland Browns
  • Columbus Blue Jackets
  • 纪念馆
  • Charlotte Hornets
  • Quint Events
  • Chicago Fire
  • Legends Facility 管理
  • MAPFRE Stadium
  • Athletes in Action
  • Philadelphia Phillies
  • 各种校际体育部门,如俄亥俄基督教大学
  • A variety of recreational settings, such as the Greater Dayton YMCA

Student Organizations -你可以选择参加与商业有关的学生组织:

  • Sport 管理 Organization (SMO) - SMO提供网络和实践经验的机会,帮助你在体育产业中追求职业生涯和/或为进一步的学术追求做好准备.
  • Student Leadership Team (SLT) — The SLT serves the 罗伯特W. 通过在学生和教师之间建立社区来巩固商学院, fostering relationships, and planning and executing events and programs.
  • Women in Business - Women in Business是一个致力于帮助职业女性学习如何实现职业目标的组织, 在家里, and in service.

Program Curriculum

Building on your core liberal arts and Bible minor courses, you will take many foundational business courses such as Accounting, Essentials of Economics, Principles of 市场营销, and Business Communication. 在那里 是否也有提供框架的基础体育课程 ,如《沙巴体育》、《沙巴体育》等 社会. As you progress through the program, sport management courses will build upon foundational business classes.

Sample courses:

  • Event Planning and Production
  • Financing Sport Operations

Start Your Degree in High School!

现在就选择双录取课程来节省时间和金钱. 了解如何提前一年完成商学学位 Dual Enrollment Pathway to Business.

Explore the Dual Enrollment Pathway

Program Format and Related Programs

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. You may also want to 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.

Program Level and Format

  • Undergraduate
  • 住宅
  • 四年
People in a room talking.

From Our Students:

Job and Grad School Placement

Program Faculty

Photo of Andrew Wonders

Andrew Wonders, MS

Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Programs, 罗伯特W. Plaster School of Business; Assistant Professor of Sport Business 管理


Photo of Alan Geist

Alan Geist, PhD

Associate Professor of Sport Business 管理


Program News