One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

About the Preveterinary Medicine Program

Why Study Preveterinary Medicine at Cedarville?

如果你喜欢动物,想以照顾动物为职业, 沙巴体育的兽医预科课程将为您提供学术知识, 个人, 以及在这个要求很高的职业中所需要的精神品质 of veterinary medicine. As a prevet student at Cedarville, 你将在一个由同伴和教师组成的支持性社区中学习和成长. Through labs and hands-on learning experiences, 毕业后,你将有能力并为进入兽医行业做好充分准备 学校.

兽医专业的学生通常参加生物学学士学位课程,因为它提供了广泛的生物学背景,并结合了圣经. 在攻读生物学学士学位的同时,你将完成一套核心课程 that fulfills the entry requirements of most U.S. 为你准备研究生入学考试(GRE). GRE是一项标准化考试,大多数兽医学校都要求它作为申请过程的一部分.

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What Sets Cedarville Apart?

Program Overview

Preveterinary Medicine Program Highlights

Academic Rigor — As a prevet student at Cedarville, 你将接触到严格的核心生物和化学课程, as well as a variety of upper-level electives, 包括:

  • Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy and Physiology
  • 遗传学
  • 生态生理学
  • Parasitology and Invertebrate Zoology
  • Agricultural Science.

Biblical Integration — At Cedarville, 你所有的课程都将以基督教的世界观和圣经真理为基础. 你将在获得生物学学士学位的同时辅修圣经.

Hands-on Learning  -你的动物解剖研究将通过实验室解剖加强, 研究, and on-farm livestock experience. 你还将获得一些公司的实习机会 具有小型和大型动物医学专业知识的当地兽医实践.

Research Opportunities  -生物学学士课程结合了与教师在至少一个学期的研究课题上的宝贵研究经验(学生与教师的比例为5:1) within the faculty member’s field of expertise.

Why Study Preveterinary Medicine at Cedarville?

Why should you study preveterinary medicine at Cedarville? Watch for a professor's perspective.

What Can You Do With a Preveterinary Student Degree?

Most prevet students are preparing for veterinary 学校. 然而, 有了这样的专注力,你也可以申请技术员和助理职位,需要本科学位. 雪松维尔大学兽医预科课程的毕业生 been accepted to some top veterinary 学校s, 包括:

  • Iowa State University
  • Lincoln Memorial University
  • Midwestern University
  • Mississippi State University
  • Purdue University
  • The Ohio State University
  • University of Minnesota
  • University of Wisconsin
  • Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine

Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom

Epsilon Kappa Mu — Cedarville’s prevet student organization, Epsilon Kappa Mu (EKM), creates a supportive community for Cedarville prevet students. 俱乐部定期组织与当地合作伙伴的志愿者机会, such as the Humane Society, 4 Paws for Ability (service dog organization), and the local animal shelter. EKM设法让学生参与志愿者体验、研讨会和社交机会. The student-led EKM will also encourage you 作为你追求兽医专业的预科学生,并在你准备过渡到兽医学校时提供帮助.

Large and Small Animal Experience — One of the program professors, Dr. 鲍勃巴黎, 欢迎学生到他的农场与大型牲畜一起工作,以获得经验. You will gain experience in the area of general 牲畜处理,以及日常保健的各个方面. 这些机会都在离校园五分钟车程内. In addition to the large and small animals on Dr. Paris’ farm, you will have opportunities to intern 与当地许多专门从事小动物医学的兽医一起或跟随其中一位. 对于那些有兴趣与大型动物医学专业兽医一起工作的学生,也可以获得类似的经验.

Christian Veterinary Mission — You may choose to participate with CVM,一个全球性的组织,旨在装备和鼓励学生和专业人士 in the veterinary profession. CVM’s mission is to challenge, 授权, 并促进兽医专业人士活出他们的基督教信仰,为他人服务. 他们提供世界各地的任务旅行,兽医和学生 有机会提高兽医技能、服务他人和分享福音吗. 沙巴体育的Epsilon Kappa Mu主持了CVM基督教兽医团契(CVF)的当地分会。, and enjoys a close relationship with CVM’s Midwestern representative, Curtis Gibbs.

Local Ministry Teams — Prevet students are encouraged to develop attitudes of service. There are numerous local ministry teams 在沙巴体育,致力于用基督的心为我们周围的社区服务.

Program Curriculum

Building on the liberal arts and Bible minor courses, 你将学习一系列核心课程,这些课程将满足兽医学院的要求,并帮助你为GRE考试做准备. 这个核心课程包括一个学期的动物学、植物学、生态学、生物化学和数学 还有两个学期的普通化学,有机化学和物理. 此外,预防学生主修生物学选修几门高级科学课程.

Sample courses:

  • Agricultural Science 
  • Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy and Physiology
  • 生态生理学
  • 免疫学
  • 微生物学
  • Parasitology and Invertebrate 生物学

Program Format and Related Programs

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. You may also want to 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.

Program Level and Format

  • 本科
  • 住宅
  • 四年

From Our Students:

Job and Grad School Placement

Program Faculty

Photo of Michael Mendel

Michael Mendel, PhD

Professor of 生物学


Photo of 鲍勃巴黎

鲍勃巴黎, PhD

Associate Professor of 生物学

