One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

About the BA in Industrial and 创新 Design Degree

Why Study Industrial and 创新 Design at Cedarville?

如果你对一个充满创新和创造力的职业感兴趣, 想想锡达维尔大学独特的基督教工业与创新设计学位吧! Your coursework in interior and exterior architectural design, product design, 和运输设计将装备你在各种行业的动态3D设计事业. 您还将体验到沙巴体育最高标准的优秀学者与圣经世界观. When you graduate, you'll be prepared not only for your career, but also to reflect Christ through your life and work.

Cedarville partners with the International Center for Creativity (国际刑事法庭), whose recently renovated facilities are located in Dublin, 俄亥俄州, a northwest suburb of Columbus. 你将在沙巴体育的校园里度过头两年,完成圣经辅修课程和普通教育课程. 然后, 你将在国际刑事法庭独特而风景如画的专业设计工作室完成你的大三和大四, 在哪里你会获得的知识和技能,你需要一个成功的和令人兴奋的职业生涯的3D设计.


  • 消费产品设计——专注于人们会购买和使用的产品
  • 外部建筑设计-专注于房屋和建筑物的外部
  • 室内建筑设计-专注于房屋和建筑物的内部设计
  • 交通运输设计——侧重于车辆模型的设计
请求的信息 访问

What Sets Cedarville Apart?

Program Overview

Program Highlights

全面的 -您将沉浸在设计和创意开发的经验, learning rendering skills, hands-on problem-solving, 模型制作, 数字设计, design research, design entrepreneurship, 演讲 skills, 和设计-thinking methodology.

广泛的接触 -通过学习以下课程,您将学习广泛的设计沙巴体育选择:

  • 消费产品设计——专注于人们会购买和使用的产品
  • 外部建筑设计-专注于房屋和建筑物的外部
  • 室内建筑设计-专注于房屋和建筑物的内部设计
  • 交通运输设计——侧重于车辆模型的设计

Specialization — In the spring of your senior year, 你将通过一个顶点研究项目选择一个特定的设计领域,然后在近12周的时间里对这个感兴趣的特定领域进行“深入研究”.

创新 - 国际刑事法庭的学术团队明白每个学生都有自己独特的学习方式, 课程和教学方法与内容本身一样具有创新性.

Intense, Real-world Experience — You’ll benefit from classes that are delivered consecutively, versus concurrently in a traditional program, 这意味着你将在搬家前专注并完全掌握一个学科领域 再看另一个. This allows for more intensity, increased retention, and a greater simulation to “real-world” design projects, 要求, 和最后期限.

Outstanding Faculty -您将从具有实际经验的经验丰富的教师那里学习.


Get to Know the 国际刑事法庭

国际创意中心(国际刑事法庭)是Cedarville大学的行业合作伙伴. 我们共同努力,培养下一代工作的专业人士.

What Can I Do With Industrial and 创新 Design?

工业和创新设计课程的毕业生进入设计职业的比例非常高, often well above 90%! 在毕业后的六个月内,我们的毕业生已经在以下地方就业:

  • 锐步
  • Bose Electronics
  • Sterilite Corporation
  • Honda Research and Development
  • General Dynamics (Bath Iron Works)
  • 办公
  • 大部分工作室
  • Continental Office
  • Priority Designs
  • 便雅悯 & 债券

According to industry data, 未来十年,商业和工业设计师的就业预计将增长约4%. 就业增长将源于对安全舒适的优质新产品或升级产品的需求增加 使用, and for high-technology products in consumer electronics, 医学, 运输, and other fields. Despite the increase in design work performed overseas, most design 工作, 尤其是与高科技产品设计无关的工作, will still remain in the United States.

研究生和专业项目以及雇主每年都欢迎沙巴体育的毕业生. 重要的是要注意,一些专业的职业领域可能需要额外的教育, 经验, 和/或在完成雪松维尔大学本科学位之后获得的许可证.

Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom

在国际商会的经历中,学生通常会与行业专业人士进行多次互动, who attend 演讲s, 陪审团的工作, conduct content-specific workshops, and even supervise class projects. Not only does this enhance students’ education and 经验, but it also can assist with career networking and advice, and résumé and portfolio review.

主要是, 通过具有挑战性和相关性的项目,学生们获得了真正独一无二的体验, available and engaged faculty, a dynamic and fresh curriculum, all in a setting that inspires creativity, 协作, 和创新.

Monthly Newsletter from the 国际刑事法庭


Program Curriculum

建立在你的通识教育,文科和圣经辅修课程, you will take core art 和设计 courses.

Sample courses:
  • Consumer Product Design
  • Interior Space Design

Program Format and Related Programs

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. You may also want to 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.

Person standing in front of painted color swatches.

From Our Students:

Job and Grad School Placement

Program Faculty

Photo of Carlos Chang

Carlos Chang, MArch

Adjunct Instructor of Industrial and 创新 Design


Photo of Kirt Moritz

Kirt Moritz, MBA

Adjunct Professor; The International Center for Creativity


Photo of 加布里埃尔·派尔


Adjunct Instructor of Art, Design, & 剧院


Photo of 吉姆史蒂文森


Supporting Instructor of Industrial and 创新 Design

