One Thousand Days Transformed - 的 Campaign for Cedarville

About the BA in 圣经研究 + MDiv Degree

Why Study 圣经研究 + MDiv at Cedarville?

Have you sensed God’s call to ministry? 你是否热衷于在为时已晚之前分享福音? 你想要尽可能高效、低成本地完成培训吗? 如果你的答案是肯定的,那么Cedarville的加速MDiv项目就是为你准备的. 通过丰富的, theological training in God's Word, 指导, guided weekend ministries, 和实习, 你会 prepared for ministry wherever God leads you.

锡达维尔大学的圣经研究加速学士学位和住宿硕士学位课程为您提供一个 affordable, five-year pathway to ministry, 是在一个完全信奉圣经权威的校园里发表的, to the Great Commission, and to equipping the next generation of leaders for the local church. Depending on your ministry goals, 您将选择八个轨道之一来定制您的MDiv:学术部, biblical apologetics, biblical care and counseling, 任务, 田园部, 女性的部, worship and theology, or youth and family ministry.

请求的信息 访问

What Sets Cedarville Apart?



Comprehensive University -在充满活力的基督教大学校园学习,每天都有教堂的所有好处, 居住生活, student organizations, leadership training, NCAA Division II athletics, global ministry 机会, and on-campus discipleship.

Ministry Experience — Effective ministry takes far more than head knowledge. You’ll need a pure heart and skilled hands. 指导, guided weekend ministries, 实习是这个项目的一部分,以确保你具备相应的技能 holistically to fulfill your high calling.

Reduced Costs: Five Years, Two Degrees -从开始到结束,这个高度集中的加速学位只需要五年. 你将获得圣经研究学士学位和神学硕士学位,减少你的时间 从7年减到5年,避免了重复的课程,节省了数千美元的大学费用. 此外,沙巴体育在本科期间提供慷慨的经济援助.

可定制的, 从八个轨道中选择自定义您的MDiv到您未来的部目标:

  • 学术部门
  • Biblical Apologetics
  • Biblical Care and Counseling
  • 任务
  • 田园部
  • 女性的部
  • Worship and 的ology
  • Youth and Family Ministry
Man preaching in the David Jeremiah 教堂

Top 7 Reasons to Complete Your MDiv at Cedarville

From competitive costs to 指导 faculty relationships, 了解为什么沙巴体育是你攻读神学硕士学位的正确选择的七个原因.

What Can I Do With a Degree in 圣经研究 + MDiv?

As a graduate of Cedarville's Accelerated BA + MDiv program, you will be prepared for the following ministry roles:

  • 副牧师
  • 圣经的老师
  • 营总监
  • Christian Education Director
  • 教堂的种植园主
  • 传教士
  • Pastoral Counselor
  • 哲学家
  • 高级牧师
  • Women’s Ministry Director
  • 作家
  • 年轻的牧师


加速米.Div gets your degree faster for less.

Quicker, More Affordable Path to Ministry
沙巴体育的加速学士+硕士课程让你更快地开始你的事工, without a lot of added time or expense.

Cedarville's Torah Scroll

Dr. Jason Lee解释了Cedarville Torah Scroll的重要性, gifted to the University by God's Ancient 图书馆, and how it will be used as a teaching tool for students.

Accelerated BA+MDiv


Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom

As you’re pursuing an Accelerated BA + MDiv degree, your coursework will be complemented by the following cocurricular 机会.

部门 -将你在教堂和课堂上学到的东西沙巴体育到你在当地教会的事工和服务中 community outreach teams. 当你帮助那些你所服侍的人满足他们身体和精神上的需要时,你的信心也会增长.

全球推广 (GO) -利用你的春假或暑假去短期旅游 任务之旅, sharing the Gospel either 在美国.S. 还是在国外. We encourage EVERY student to take at least one GO trip!

Discipleship 部门 offer small discipleship groups (called “d-groups”) 定期聚会祷告、问责、鼓励和查经. 担任小组领袖或成为门徒议会(DC)成员。, which helps administer d-groups. Both are great ways to hone your leadership skills while encouraging spiritual growth on campus.

Student Organizations -沙巴体育提供许多事工和服务组织,帮助培养品格和事工技能. 许多圣经教师担任这些组织的顾问,并鼓励学生 to take full advantage of them. 的 School of Biblical and 的ological Studies 赞助商:

  • Chi, 透过祷告鼓励学生进入青年事工的组织, 奖学金, 和服务.
  • ασ, 一个致力于通过对圣经世界观和当代文化中心问题的哲学和神学探究来促进批判性思维的组织.

实习 当你准备好进入全职事工时,没有什么可以代替亲身经历. 实习是获得宝贵经验和建立人际关系的最佳途径. Students from the School of Biblical and 的ological Studies have completed internships with:

  • 运动中的运动员
  • Echoing Hills Village
  • Far Hills Community Church
  • Phoenix Fellowship Baptist Church - Durban, South Africa
  • Kids Alive International - Dominican Republic
  • Living Waters Bible Camp
  • Scioto Hills Camp and Retreat Center
  • TEAM (的 Evangelical Alliance Mission) - Antalya, Turkey

Costs and Financial Aid

Your undergraduate portion of your degree will be covered with block tuition and include financial aid. Your decision to pursue quality, 基督教研究生教育代表了你的职业生涯和专业发展的宝贵投资. To assure your degree is also affordable, 沙巴体育的研究生课程价格很有竞争力,而且可以补充 with a variety of financial aid.




加速BA+MDiv包括以下四个领域:旧约, 新约, and Christian 的ology, 哪些提供了超过30小时实际事工所必需的圣经和神学基础 课程建立. 学生还将学习阅读和研究希伯来语和希腊语的圣经原文.


  • Text-Driven Preaching
  • Exegesis to Exposition


Program Start Dates

You can enroll and begin classes in August or January.

Program Format and 相关的项目

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. You may also want to 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.

Program Level and Format

  • 本科
  • 住宅
  • 5年MDiv
Three people standing over an open scroll


Job and Grad School Placement


Photo of Trent Rogers


Dean of SBTS, Assistant Professor of NT and Greek






Photo of Randy McKinion

Randy McKinion, PhD

Professor of Old Testament

